
A Separate Peace
 Blog Overview Spring 2013

For our study of A Separate Peace, you will be contributing to a class web log (blog). The goal of this class project is to create an accessible, detailed and organized archive of all of our thoughts about Harper Lee’s novel.
In order to participate, you will have to accept my invitation to join our blog. When you accept it, you will be sent to a log in screen – login in using your BBN Google Account. If you don’t have one or are having issues, email Ms. Grinshpan. Using your Google username and password, you will be able to log into www.blogger.com and access our class blog: http://asp81.blogspot.com/.
Posting and Commenting:
A post is an official entry which is published on the front page of the blog. Each of you will be asked to post THREE times throughout our work with the novel. This will involve you responding to specific discussion questions we have generated for you. You may also include hyperlinks in your posts and/or embed relevant video and imagery.  
A comment is a response to a specific post. You can comment on a post by clicking the posting title of the post or you can click on comments at the bottom of the post. A comment can be less formal than a post, but it should demonstrate both an understanding of the ideas in the post as well as add more ideas/information to what is presented in the post.  
Safe Blogging
In creating your profile, please remember that our blog is a public space, therefore you should take appropriate steps to protect yourself. Do not include your last name in your Google profile (nor should you attach a real photo to it). Do not include any personal information (like last name, address, phone number, school name, friends’ last names, etc.) in your published writing. Above all, please notify me immediately if any inappropriate contact occurs via our blog. 

Publishing Guidelines
A post is a paragraph (at least 8 gorgeous sentences) entry that is published on the front page of the blog. Posts are published in chronological order and are available for commenting. In order to post, you will need to log into www.blogger.com or our blog at: http://tkam81.blogspot.com/ and click on “New Post.” You will be provided with space to type. The title should always start with the chapter # and then be followed by a question: either the one I’ve asked you to answer or one you made up. Proofread your post carefully before you publish. You can’t make any changes once you’ve published. When you’ve finished your post, click on “Publish Post.”
Post Structure and Content: Choose a topic/question from those assigned or make up your own. Your post should be at least one well developed paragraph ( 8 gorgeous sentences minimum).

In order to write a successful post you must:
·       Title your post with chapter #'s/page #'s followed by the question you are answering
·       Include a clear thesis statement
·       Briefly provide context for your post (what key scenes from the novel helped shape your answer?)
·       Respond to the question in detail
·       Include at least one quotation (with page #) for support
·       Connect to other ideas/themes/details we've explored
·       Close with a clear concluding statement
Note: Excellent posts not only give complete, thoughtful answers, but also encourage discussion in the comments section, either by asking questions at the end or by providing links to relevant sits/video/imagery that you’d like your classmates to comment on.
You can comment on a post by clicking on the “Comments” link at the bottom of the post or by clicking on the title bar of the post. Don’t forget you must be logged in to get credit for your comment. Comments should be direct responses to the information and ideas in the post OR to a previous comment to that post. Comments let the writer know he/she has an audience, encourage people to write more and better pieces and help people to think more deeply about an issue. It's just like a discussion in class: if you don't "listen" to the post and other comments, the conversation isn't productive. Proofread your comments carefully before publishing.

An excellent comment is four to five gorgeous sentences, which include:
  • A strong, clear topic sentence that shows you understand the topic explored and the ideas expressed in the post you just read
  • At least two sentences that respond to the post in a thoughtful way that adds information to the post (this can be in agreeing with what’s stated or respectfully disagreeing), complete with specific textual support from the novel.
  • A clear concluding statement, and if appropriate, a question that advances the discussion.

Posting/Commenting Schedule

In a regular week you are expected to post TWICE to our blog and comment on our blog TWO times. All weeknight posts must be completed by 7pm. Weekend posts must be completed by NOON on Sunday. You may comment as late as you want.

Group A: Charlie, Oakes, Ari, Abby Alex, Bayard, Matty, and Simone
Group A will post for chapters (1,3,5,7,9, and 11)

Group B: Brooke, Lauryn, Josh, Carter, Natalie, Marcus, and Tristan
Group B will post for chapters (2,4,6,8,10, and 12) 

1 comment:

  1. very informative article.
    for more articles like this visit our website.
