Thursday, April 4, 2013

Carter Liou: Question 2, Re-read Gene’s recognition of his use of sarcasm in the middle of page 29. In what way has young Gene revealed himself to be weak and then to use sarcasm to mask this weakness?

Carter Liou: Question 2, Re-read Gene’s recognition of his use of sarcasm in the middle of page 29.  In what way has young Gene revealed himself to be weak and then to use sarcasm to mask this weakness?

In A Separate Peace by John Knowles Gene shields his weaknesses by using sarcasm. Gene is intimidated by Finny and there for does not want to become enemies with him in any way.  In the story Gene and Finny go to the Prud’homme’s for tea.  There they talk about the war and the bombing on Europe.  After Gene and Finny walked back and talked.  Finny concentrated. “Mr. Patch-Withers was pretty gassy, and his wife, and….” “Yeah and?”  Then Finny turning a look of mock shock on me, “You don’t mean to infer that I talk too much!” Returning, with interest, his gaping shock, “You?  Talk too much?  How can you accuse me of accusing you of that!” As I said, this was my sarcastic summer.  It was only long after that I recognized sarcasm as the protest of people who are weak (Knowles page 29). Here Gene is saying that he was weak for being sarcastic towards Finny talking too much.   Gene was weak because when he said that Finny talked too much during their visit to Mr. Patch-Wither’s, Finny responded negatively making Gene automatically use sarcasm to cover his previous comment.  Though in a way I don’t think Gene was weak because Finny seems short tempered and Gene probably didn’t want to make any enemies before the actual school year.  Another scene where Gene reveals himself to be weak and covers it up with sarcasm is on page 18 where Gene says to Finny,” I never backed away from anything in my life!”  Again Gene uses sarcasm to cover up the fact that he has backed out of things before.  Gene says this to make himself look tougher that he really is.

Do you think the relationship between Gene and Finny will change as the book progresses on?

1 comment:

  1. Right now I feel that Gene and Finny are pretty close friends, and Gene can use Finny to get him out of trouble. However, later on I think that Finny is going to get Gene into trouble that Finny cannot get them out of. Once this happens I think their friendship will change because Gene would be angry at Finny.
    I also agree with what you said how Gene "automatically" used sarcasm. This is an interesting way to put it because he doesnt think to himself about using it, he's weak enough that he just automatically does it.
