Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Galvin ch.12-13 pg.178-end Is Finny's fall, and ultimately his death, something you can blame on Gene? Why or why not? If he is not to blame, then who is?

Finny's fall and death isn't Gene's fault. Gene caused the original injury to Finny and immobilized him. As Finny was coming off this injury he rebroke his leg which eventually led to his death. Although the original injury was Gene's fault when Finny rebroke his leg it had little to do with Gene. Finny stormed out in a fit of rage during Brinker's "trial" "tonight we are investigating you"(Knowles 167). When confronted with the trail of what ruined Finny's life he stormed off in anger  and while going down the stairs he stumbled and rebroke it. Finny's death is no ones fault, it was an accident.


  1. I disagree because I think that the death of Finny was completely Gene's fault but he did not mean to. At the event on the tree, Gene purposely pushed Finny but only on impulse. Gene cared for Finny as his best friend but in the rush of the moment, Gene pushed Finny off of the branch on purpose. In the trial room, it was also Gene's fault because Finny realized that Gene had pushed him off the branch so he went running and rebroke his leg. Although he did not mean to, Gene purposefully pushed Finny of the branch and eventually killed him.

  2. I believe that the original injury was Gene's fault but the second injury that ultimately killed Finny was Brinker's fault. Brinker's plan was to get all the of the boys together and break up Gene and Finny's relationship because Brinker was mad at Finny for having Gene not enlist in the army. Had Finny not shown up, Gene would have enlisted and the two would both be in the army now. The whole assembly idea was Brinker's fault and right before Finny fell he lashed out at Brinker for staging the assembly, " He whirled as though being attacked from behind. Yo get the rest of the facts, Brinker! he cried. You get all your facts" (Knowles, 177). Had Finny not been upset by Brinker's actions, Finny wouldn't have carelessly fallen down the stairs.

  3. I agree with what you have said but I don't think it is entirely Gene's fault. At the beginning of the story Gene jounces the tree and hopes that Finny would die. I think Finny realizes this at the end of the story and that is why he suddenly bursts into tears and falls down the stairs. I think it is Gene fault for jouncing the tree but I feel like in the scene of the trial Gene isn't jealous of Finny in any way there for didn't truly injure and want this to happen to Finny, though Gene shouldn't have jounced the tree in the first place.

  4. I agree that the first injury was Genes fault but I strongly feel as though Finny's death was attributed to Brinker. If Brinker had not called upon the trial in order to make Gene feel guilty then Finny's death would have never happened. Brinker wanted to feel like the "big man on campus" however most everybody likes finny more than him, so he decided to try Finny in order to make the other students lose respect for Finny.
